terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2009



- 'Your name is Laszlo Zilagy?

- Yes, Your Honour. [...]

Those who have never been exiled... know not what it is to hear a friendly voice in captivity... and would not understand the cause... of the burst of feeling now about to take place.

- You seem the right one to me.

- Thank you, Your Honour.

- Are you ill?

- Sir... I have a confession to make to you. I'm an lrishman. My name is Redmond Barry. I was abducted into the Prussian Army. Now I've been put into your service... by my Captain Potzdorff and his uncle, the Minister of Police... to serve as a watch upon your actions... and to give information to them.

The Chevalier was much affected at thus finding one of his countrymen. For he too was an exile. And a friendly voice, a look... brought the old country back to his memory.'

(Barry Lyndon, S. Kubrick)


'There is a gentleman in Berlin in the service of the Empress of Austria. He calls himself the Chevalier de Balibari. He appears to be a professional gambler. He's a libertine: fond of women, of good food... polished, obliging. He speaks French and German indifferently. But we have reason to fancy that Monsieur de Balibari... is a native of your country of lreland. And that he has come here as a spy.'

(Barry Lyndon, S. Kubrick)